India General Knowledge MCQ

Total Questions: 1142

a) Corbett
b) Nagarjuna
c) Psyche
d) screw
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 8
a) Black
b) Red
c) Laterite
d) Alluvium
a) Red
b) Laterite
c) Alluvium
d) Black
a) 21 %
b) 22 %
c) 24 %
d) 27 %
a) Canals
b) Pond
c) wells
d) Tube wells and wells
a) Eastern
b) Western
c) Southern
d) Northern
a) Come ,Pr,
b) Answer,State
c) Fifth note of musical scale ,Bengal
d) Punjab
a) Tamil Nadu
b) Punjab
c) Rajasthan
d) Maharashtra
a) In Karnataka
b) In Maharashtra
c) In Madhya Pradesh
d) In Dehradun
a) Terai
b) Regur
c) Bangra
d) khadar
a) wheat
b) Rice
c) Sugarcane
d) Gram
a) Rice
b) wheat
c) Sugarcane
d) Maize
a) Maharashtra
b) Gujarat
c) Rajasthan
d) none of these
a) Madhya Pradesh
b) Uttar Pradesh
c) Karnataka
d) Kerala
a) Maharashtra
b) Gujarat
c) Kerala
d) Karnataka
a) New Delhi
b) Rajasthan
c) Tamil Nadu
d) Punjab
a) Sikkim
b) Jammu,Kashmir
c) Uttarakhand
d) none of these
a) Sikkim
b) Jammu,Kashmir
c) Karnataka
d) Himachal Pradesh
a) First
b) Second
c) Third
d) Fourth
a) First
b) Second
c) Third
d) Fourth
a) Himachal Pradesh
b) Bihar
c) Fifth note of musical scale ,Bengal
d) none of these
a) Darjeeling
b) Jorhat
c) Nilgiris
d) none of these
a) Kerala
b) Maharashtra
c) Assam
d) none of these
a) Karnataka
b) Maharashtra
c) Gujarat
d) Uttar Pradesh
a) Tamil Nadu
b) Punjab
c) Madhya Pradesh
d) Uttar Pradesh
a) Assam
b) Kerala
c) Gujarat
d) Maharashtra
a) Fifth note of musical scale ,Bengal
b) Bihar
c) Himachal Pradesh
d) none of these
a) Madhya Pradesh
b) Uttar Pradesh
c) Punjab
d) Haryana
a) 1952E,
b) 1973E,
c) 1970E,
d) none of these
a) Fifth note of musical scale ,Bengal
b) Bihar
c) Himachal Pradesh
d) none of these
a) Madhya Pradesh
b) Punjab
c) Tamil Nadu
d) Uttar Pradesh
a) Tamil Nadu
b) Karnataka
c) Kerala
d) Maharashtra
a) tide
b) Maize
c) Rice
d) wheat
a) Water,Electricity
b) heat,Electricity
c) Solar,energy
d) Atom,Electricity
a) Narora
b) kakrapar
c) Tarapur
d) none of these
a) mumbai
b) Kolkata
c) Chennai
d) Darjeeling
a) 65%
b) 56 %
c) 53 %
d) 67%
a) Coal
b) natural gas
c) Nuclear Energy
d) Mineral Oil
a) Orissa
b) Chhattisgarh
c) Jharkhand
d) Chennai
a) Rajasthan
b) Jammu,Kashmir
c) Sikkim
d) Maharashtra
a) Bhopal
b) Nagpur
c) Orissa
d) Jharkhand
a) Golconda
b) Quilon
c) Emerald
d) Jaipur
a) Kolar
b) Emerald
c) motipura
d) none of these
a) Jharkhand
b) Chhattisgarh
c) Orissa
d) Fifth note of musical scale ,Bengal
a) Sedimentary
b) metamorphosed
c) Igneous
d) none of these
a) In Digboi
b) In Naharkatiya
c) In Ankleshwar
d) none of these
a) Vashi
b) Jadugoda
c) Gorividanoor
d) none of these
a) Assam
b) Maharashtra
c) Punjab
d) Tamil Nadu
a) Coal
b) Uranium
c) petroleum
d) all of these

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